Posts tagged with "2020"

→ General · September 30, 2020
As a measure to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and to ensure the health and safety of NPK Japan’s business partners, employees, and related parties, various departments have been teleworking, telecommuting, and working in shifts. NPK Japan staffs have also been refrained from conducting face-to-face meetings with business partners.
→ General · September 16, 2020
NPK Japan would like to announce the completion of our Higashi Osaka Factory. Our Osaka Factory has been moved to this new facility.
→ General · September 02, 2020
NPK Japan would like to inform that the fax number of CSSC Construction Attachment Sales Division has been changed, effective Tuesday, September 1, 2020. We request you to update your records accordingly to the contact information as follows:
→ General · August 03, 2020
NPK Japan is pleased to announce the relocation of our Customer Service & Solution Center Kanto (CSSC Kanto) to the following address, effective Saturday August 3, 2020. Please note that our telephone and fax number have changed as well.
→ General · July 29, 2020
We would like to inform you that on July 28, 2020, the 83rd Shareholders' meeting was held, and the Board of the Directors was reorganized for the 84th term as follows:
→ General · June 22, 2020
NPK Japan is pleased to announce the relocation of our Tokyo office to the following address, effective Monday June 22, 2020.
→ Pneumatic · May 21, 2020
For many years, NPK air tools have been painted in the signature blue-green color. Facing tightened industry regulations and growing environmental concerns, we concluded that it is time to make a change. NPK will start making a few models without paint from May 2020, and will gradually apply the change to all remaining models. If you have any questions, concerns or opinions, please feel free to contact us.
→ General · April 08, 2020
In regards to the recent outbreak of Covid-19 in Japan, the government has declared a state of emergency in various regions. The following is information on the measures which NPK have taken to ensure the health and safety of our business partners, employees, and related parties.
→ General · March 17, 2020
Notice of ISO9001 Acquisition for All Divisions
Since acquiring the ISO9001 certification on September 30, 2019 for our pneumatic division, NPK Japan has been working on obtaining the certification for other business and services as well. Recently, the applications for the construction and chemical divisions were submitted. As of February 25, 2020, the qualifications were met and the certification were approved.
→ Construction · December 18, 2019
NPK Construction Equipment (NPKCE), a subsidiary of Nippon Pneumatic Mfg. Co. LTD (NPK Japan), will be exhibiting at ConExpo-ConAgg 2020 at Las Vegas Convention Center, in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA from March 10th to 14th, 2020.