ISO Certification

As of February 25, 2020, Nippon Pneumatic Mfg. Co., Ltd. (NPK Japan) has acquired ISO9001:2015 certification for the development and manufacturing of air tools, air equipment, construction machine attachments, powder manufacturing equipment, and incidental services. 


At NPK, we aim to contribute to society by conducting business with environmental awareness and utmost attention to quality.

We aim to create a “Win for All” with business practices that benefit all of our stakeholders.

Environmental CSR

  1. NPK will take steps to protect the environment as well as to ensure effective communication with all of our stakeholders, including the local community, customers, business partners, governments, universities, shareholders, and employees and their families.
  2. NPK will comply with all laws, standards, and regulations.
  3. NPK will develop and implement quality and environmental regulation systems in order to continue the betterment of our company.


July 18, 2020

President, NPK

  Certificate Registration No 13222
  Management System Standard ISO 9001:2015 
  Scope of Activities Development and Manufacturing of Air Tools, Air Equipment, Construction Machine Attachments, Powder Manufacturing Equipment, and Incidental Services
  Certificate Issue Date February 25, 2020
  Inspection Organization Intertek
  Accreditation Organization UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation of Service)